Tips Mental Wellness Prioritizing Your Mental Health

Tips Mental Wellness Prioritizing Your Mental Health – The wellness wheel is a visual tool that shows each wellness category on a wheel. It gives people the opportunity to refine their well-being by identifying areas in their lives that they may have neglected and seek to improve. Since all dimensions are interconnected, an imbalance in one area of ​​the wheel of well-being can prevent you from reaching peak well-being. The wellness wheel is not only important for your physical and mental health, but for all aspects of your life.

By working on each area of ​​the wellness wheel, you can enhance your overall quality of life, improve your health, and focus on reaching your full potential.

Tips Mental Wellness Prioritizing Your Mental Health

The wellness wheel is a tool for self-exploration that promotes the concept that balance is the key to wellness. When it was first conceived by Dr. Bill Hettler, he outlined six dimensions of well-being as markers to help individuals achieve a healthy and wholesome lifestyle and live a life of value and meaning.

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Over time, the wheel has grown to include seven categories. Today, the dimensions on the wheel of well-being include: physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, environmental, social and occupational well-being. These are all separate but interconnected categories that contribute to achieving a balanced life.

You can use the wellness wheel periodically to reflect on your progress over time, and it can help you understand what lifestyle changes you might want to start making. By improving in each area, you will be able to improve the overall quality of your life, improve your health, and work towards your full potential. Read on to learn more about each category of the wellness wheel.

The physical dimension of the wellness wheel refers to the physical health of your body. It involves all kinds of physical activity, nutrition and balanced diets, sleep, strength, and tending to your health with medical care when necessary.

Staying on top of your annual checkups, exercising regularly, and eating balanced meals are also part of your physical well-being.

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Emotional Well-being refers to your feelings and emotions. What are your emotional reactions like? Are you in tune with your feelings so you can understand and express them? With a strong foundation in emotional health, you leave yourself better equipped to adapt to any life changes and cope with stress.

Take care of your emotional well-being by getting enough sleep, talking to a therapist when you can, asking for help when you need it, and regularly checking in with yourself to manage your overall stress.

The intellectual well-being dimension focuses on lifelong learning, expanding your knowledge and building skills. It encourages you to stay curious, learn and engage in creative activities to ensure your mind stays healthy and active.

Reading for pleasure, staying updated on social and political issues, or mentoring individuals are all things that fall under intellectual well-being.

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The spiritual well-being dimension refers to the beliefs, values ​​and ethics that guide you in life and inform your actions. It asks you to look within and discover your purpose and meaning in life through the spiritual lens to find peace. Spiritual well-being provides an opportunity for many to engage with a force greater than themselves and to tap into communities, whether through a religion or through mindfulness or meditation.

The environmental well-being dimension refers to the role of your surroundings in your overall well-being. From a micro level in your own home environment to a global scale, our physical environment impacts our mental health. It has a massive impact on our mood and how we live our lives. Environmental wellness is concerned with the way you interact with your environment, such as your home, school or work space.

Decluttering a room, recycling the trash, or emptying the dishwasher are all small ways that we can contribute to promote a clutter-free, cleaner, organized and more productive living space and a quiet home environment. Maintaining environmental awareness, educating about global environmental issues, caring for the environment, and creating spaces that lead to positive emotions are other ways to focus on your environmental well-being.

The social well-being dimension of the well-being wheel refers to the quality of your relationships with others. Maintaining a strong network of people you feel connected to is key to your social well-being and can help fend off feelings of stress, isolation, loneliness, or even depression.

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Participating in group activities alongside family or friends, joining organizations, being open to new connections, and respecting and nurturing meaningful relationships is key to healthy social well-being.

Occupational well-being, also known as financial well-being, is the dimension that refers to the fulfillment you find in your work and how financial stability works in your life. By considering your job satisfaction, finances and career ambitions, you can assess your occupational well-being in this dimension. The budget, keeping in mind financial health and finding the right job for you all are subject to occupational well-being.

If you’re serious about setting wellness goals, step back and consider all seven dimensions of wellness and reflect on how you relate to each one in your life. What, if anything, could you do better in each respective section? Is there a certain area that you struggle with more than others? A good question to ask yourself is why. Why do you feel a certain imbalance in your wheel of well-being? This practice will help you gain more clarity in the aspects of well-being that you have prioritized and others that you may have neglected.

Once you have asked and answered your “why”, you will be better equipped to form an action plan and choose the practices you want to introduce into your daily routine. It is better not to try to accomplish everything at once; that can be too overwhelming. Start small and start making small adjustments in each category. Create a realistic plan you can stick to to find balance in each area and enhance your well-being.

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The goal of the wellness wheel is to check in with yourself, assess how you’re doing, and highlight any imbalances that could prevent you from living a happy and healthy life. The wellness wheel induces introspection, self-reflection, and should lead to the goal. This work is hard and it can be beneficial to work alongside a counselor, life coach, or therapist to help clear any feelings that come up.

Working with a therapist or counselor can help you with life adjustments, goal setting, and taking the necessary steps to accomplish any lifestyle changes you have to achieve. A therapist can also help you process emotions and patterns that may be preventing you from reaching your full potential. Working with a professional to get additional guidance is a huge benefit when it comes to our personal wellness journey.

The wellness wheel is a self-exploration tool built to support individuals on their wellness journey. It provides a visual representation of seven dimensions of well-being so you can consider how you are doing in each category.

You can use a wheel of well-being by looking at the visual representation of the seven dimensions of well-being and considering how each part relates to your life. It is a good tool to revisit periodically, as our lifestyles and habits may change over time. The goal of using the wellness wheel is to highlight ways you can adjust your life to achieve a sense of balance.

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Our goal is to provide the most up-to-date, valuable and objective information on mental health topics to help readers make informed decisions.

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Tamar Sidi is the Content Marketing Specialist at . She is passionate about authentic storytelling and creating meaningful content. A graduate of Emory University, she holds degrees in Creative Writing and English with a background in Psychology.

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