Tips Craft Beer Enthusiast Dive Into The Art Of Brewing

Tips Craft Beer Enthusiast Dive Into The Art Of Brewing – Walk past the beer coolers at any liquor store or grocery store and you’ll likely see vibrant colors and intricate designs adorning the cans that line the shelves. Gone are the days of a simple logo on an aluminum can. Instead, breweries have artists design their labels and cans, or design them in-house, to try to stand out from the crowd. And there are a lot of things to distinguish: according to the Brewers Association, there were more than 8,700 craft breweries in the United States in 2020, and this figure does not take into account imports sold in the United States.

When Collective Arts Brewingout of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada was launched in 2013, co-founders Matt Johnson and Bob Russell set out to create a brewery that, in addition to making quality beer, could ignite the creativity of others by developing a unique platform for emerging artists. and musicians. “From the beginning, Collective Arts saw its bottles – now cans – as a way to spread creativity and inspire craft drinkers,” says Toni Shelton, director of marketing and brand communications for Collective Arts Brewing. To date, over 2,000 artists from 40 different countries have been featured on their labels.

Tips Craft Beer Enthusiast Dive Into The Art Of Brewing

Every three months, a call for art is issued and up to 2,000 applications from artists around the world are usually submitted for consideration. Once selected, a series jury of experts from the worlds of beer, art and music selects the artists whose works will appear on Collective Arts cans and bottles. “Art is subjective! So we want to make sure that our curatorial panels are made up of a diverse group of people who bring a wide range of perspectives to the table,” says Shelton. “When it comes to selecting pieces, our jurors only see the artwork, no names or other details are associated with the pieces to keep the process neutral, non-discriminatory and inclusive for all.” We don’t give direction to our curators,” she adds. “We want them to base their decisions only on the things that stand out to them.”

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Although there is no fixed number of artist entries selected for each series, there may be up to 50 unique pieces, depending on the number of Collective Arts products in the market. “[The art that appears on] our gin bottles work a little differently in that they are commissioned pieces that change with each batch or new innovation,” Shelton explains.

Lawren Alice, a Philadelphia-based artist, muralist and curator, was commissioned to design the artwork that appears on Collective Arts’ new Lavender and Jupiter Gin. Alice has worked with Collective Arts in the past, having painted a mural for them at Philadelphia Beer Week 2019, chosen as one of the artists for Series 13 cider labels in early 2000, and asked to curate the open call from the Series 16 label. “Designing one of Collective Arts’ special limited gin bottles was kind of the high point of my (brand new) artistic career, and I’m following them. very grateful to have given someone so new and emerging a chance,” says Alice. “The experience of working with Collective Arts has been great – it’s an incredible company run by an extremely friendly and wonderful group of people.

“I think the coolest thing about this whole opportunity so far is that because I’m based in Philadelphia and Collective Arts is based outside of Canada, my work has now been featured in a brand new country and in the hands and homes of people I probably never would have been able to reach otherwise,” she continues.

In the bottle design itself, I had other fantastic opportunities that came up because people saw my work and my name on the bottles,” says Alice. She adds that she was recently commissioned to paint the electric guitar of a Canadian musician that she is “

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In Tampa, Woven Water Brewing Company opened for take-out orders in late August 2020, and the tasting room opened in mid-October. Although the brewery is currently serving locals through its tasting room, the art is still part of its identity. “It’s such a creative market in the first place, so you have to stand out from everyone else,” says Eric Childs, co-founder of Woven Water, who also oversees marketing and design for the brewery. “I want to stand out, and that’s the hardest part.”

Addressing the Woven Water logo, Childs says he and the team wanted to make sure it was something that would be easily recognizable and something that was self-explanatory; the inverted triangle in the logo is the symbol of water. “Even when you’re little, you never know how big you’ll grow,” says Childs. “You can paint yourself into a corner if you have a complicated logo.”

When it came time to design Woven Water’s beer cans, Childs used his 25 years of design experience and conceptualized designs that resonated with the names of the beers. Take Photonic, for example. He says the team found the name of their IPA fuzzy, and he backed a design idea from there. “I found an actual symbol for a photonic laser,” says Childs. “The wave you see, spiraling and spinning around, and the colors were a similar approach, on different levels.”

Woven Water recently launched Relic, a lactose-free gose margarita with blackberry, mango and a hint of lime. Childs chose an Aztec/Mayan-inspired theme for the box, “and went from there. It will always be difficult as a designer, everything has to be different now. Good branding and good beer, it’s better to have both,” he adds. “If you can’t [have both], take at least one.” In the foothills of the Alps, Schönramer master brewer Eric Toft is a tinkerer and finisher of highly addictive lagers.

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Above left: Schönramer brewmaster Eric Toft with a Surtaler Schankbier (a 3.5% ABV lager) at the brewery pub in Schönram. Top right: Amid the brewery’s expansion and an alpine backdrop, workers take a beer break in the shade.

We could start at the beginning, with a rigorous selection of ingredients, for example. Instead, we’re going to do it differently and start at the end, at the point of consumption.

Bavarians, you may have heard, drink a lot of beer. On a per capita basis, the Czechs next door are the undisputed champions, drinking around 143 liters (or nearly 38 gallons) per person each year. After them, Germans and Austrians are neck and neck with around 104 litres.

However, Bavaria drinks a lot more than the rest of Germany. Think of it as the number of cowboy hats owned per U.S. resident; Texas will distort this average. That’s what Bavaria does with beer. The Bavarians’ own statistics indicate that they drink about 40% more than the national average, which puts them closer to the thirsty Czechs.

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There are now over 1,500 breweries in Germany, and the Private Landbrauerei Schönram is not one of the largest; it brews about 94,000 barrels per year. Meanwhile, the village of Schönram has only about 380 inhabitants. The brewery sells 90% of its beer within a 40-mile radius.

It is a daily essential. If you lived there, you could have it brought to your home. “We distribute almost everything ourselves,” says master brewer Eric Toft. “We have four trucks doing door-to-door delivery, like the milkman.” You don’t even have to be home. Leave a key for the driver and a few euros on the table; they will give change, put the beer in the cellar and take away the empty ones. See you next week.

Another illustration: the Schönramer brewery built the small church opposite in 1853, largely for its employees – including those of the malting house, which has now disappeared – but also for all the inhabitants who traveled for miles to fill the pub. of the brewery on Sunday. The priest received compensation in the form of beer – 156 liters

Today, in keeping with tradition, the 55 employees of Schönramer, like those of many other German breweries, receive a monthly beer allowance in addition to their take-home pay. It’s not as much as before. Today, they receive “only” 120 litres. That’s the equivalent of about 56 US 6-packs.

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To be this supreme in beer drinking, you must have a beer that is supremely drinkable – it’s a product not just of tradition, but of art and science – many generations of refinement.

In Schönram, the guy who made those adjustments over the past two decades happens to be from Wyoming.

Chances are you’ve never heard of Schönram. The brewery is not huge and does not export much. It is in a remote part of Bavaria and the village is not a tourist destination. So why write about Schönramer beer?

It would be dishonest of me not to say this: This brewery makes two of my favorite beers, both of which I’ve consumed in fairly large quantities over the past five years. These are not fleeting fantasies; they became good friends, welcomed into my home, and met up in town.

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The Schönramer Pils is, for

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